Seedy Saturday

Swáy̓wi Temíxw (rooftop garden)

Kick off the gardening season with our Seedy Saturday event! Connect with fellow garden-loving community members and discover seeds for your garden. Activities  Seed Exchange Ask a Gardener! Bring your gardening questions to local gardener Laura Marie Neubert. Chat with our resident bee expert about raising native mason bees Learn about living soil in this […]

Shred-It: Friends of the Library Fundraiser

Swáy̓wi Temíxw (rooftop garden)

Toss your confidential documents and have them shredded on the spot at our Shred-It fundraiser! Drop them off with your donation or stay to watch the shredding. Suggested donation: $5/bag, $10/box (cash only). Staples don't need to be removed, but large clips do need to be removed. All proceeds will support Library programs, like Summer […]