Upcoming Kids' Programs

tell your story
Through mutli-week ebook publication and one-off creative writing programs, Tell Your Story (TYS) aims to foster creativity, empower young people to create and share their original stories, and help build a community of creators. Take a look at what our past participants have created. All TYS programs will be virtual until further notice.
Tell Your Story is generously supported by the West Vancouver Memorial Library Foundation.

reading link challenge
A reading trivia competition with hundreds of West Vancouver students in Grades 4 – 5 participating annually. Students study up on a pre-selected group of novels from November to March before competing in school championships (winners advance to the final). Interested students should check with their teacher-librarian to see if their school is participating.
Reading Link Challenge is generously supported by the Friends of the Library.

the lab
Youth and Digital Access Librarians develop programs using a variety of digital and screen-free technologies to support young people develop in areas like:
- Collaboration and communication
- Computational thinking
- Problem-solving
- Creativity
Family programming is offered for children as young as 4 (using mostly screen-free technology), with the majority of programs offered for ages 9 – 12.

language & literacy
We offer several sessions of reading assistance programs like Book Buddies and Paws 4 Stories (with a certified St. John Ambulance therapy dog), and author/illustrator workshops throughout the year.