Getting Started with Mason Bees

Welsh Hall

The "house lending" portion of this program is now FULL. Registration for the 90-minute lecture portion of the evening is still open (scroll to bottom of page). We will cover […]

Event Series Reconciliation Reading Circles

Reconciliation Reading Circle: The Serviceberry by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Welsh Hall

We invite you to join our Reconciliation Reading Circles where we will explore Indigenous literature, both fiction and non-fiction, to broaden our understanding of reconciliation.  This month we will discuss Robin Wall Kimmerer's The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World. Each month we will also look at sections of Bob Joseph's 21 Things […]

Event Series Bonjour! French Conversation

Bonjour! French Conversation

Welsh Hall

Bonjour is a drop-in French conversation group created to help French speakers in West Vancouver practise their everyday French conversation skills with fellow language enthusiasts. You will work in pairs and small groups (divided by levels) to discuss a weekly topic. Additionally, French books and articles will be provided to help with your comprehension and […]