1.3 Privacy
a) Introduction
The Library is committed to protecting personal privacy. Any personal information collected, used or disclosed by the Library is in accordance with the B.C. Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA).
Personal information is defined by FOIPPA as information about an identifiable person. Some examples of personal information are name, age, home address, phone number, email address, IP address (a computerโs address), identification numbers, and reading choices. FOIPPAโs definition of personal information does not include work contact information (including for Library staff), which is information that would allow a person to be contacted at a place of business, such as the personโs name, title, business address, business phone number, and business email address.
b) Collection of personal information
When collecting personal information, the Library will advise as to the purpose for collecting it and the legal authority for doing so. We will also provide contact information of the Libraryโs FOI/Privacy Officer, who can answer questions regarding the collection of said information.
The Library will only use personal information for the purposes for which it was originally collected or in a manner that is consistent with those purposes. The Library will only use personal information for a different purpose when explicit consent is given for the new purpose or the use is authorized under FOIPPA or is otherwise required by law.
Some examples of purposes for which the Library may collect personal information are:
- issuing Library cards;
- identifying material currently on loan;
- placing and tracking interlibrary loans;
- identifying and recording overdue material;
- placing and tracking material on hold;
- providing answers to reference questions;
- registering and providing information about Library programs and services;
- recording book suggestions;
- recording comments or suggestions;
- general Library operations;
- protection of WVML property;
- security of users and staff;
- Library fundraising.
Those who do not wish to be contacted for fundraising purposes may choose to opt out.
c) Information automatically collected
Information that is automatically collected by our server during visits to our website, includes:
- the domain name and/or IP address of the Internet provider;
- the browser type;
- the geographic region of the computer accessing our website;
- the date and time of the access;
- the pages visited;
- the website from which the access originated, if applicable.
We collect this information to help make our site more useful by assessing our web services and system performance, as well as learning how many people are visiting the site and how they are using it. No attempt is made to use this information to identify visitors, unless it is necessary for an investigation or it is required by law.
The Library uses cookies to monitor use of our website. These cookies do not store personal information.
d) Personal information collected via email and web forms
Personal information is collected by the Library when a Library web form is filled in or an email is sent, such as for Library card online applications, asking a reference question, or offering book recommendations.
Personal information sent to us by email or when using our web forms will only be used by authorized staff for the purpose for which it was collected or for a consistent purpose, unless consent is given otherwise, or it is authorized or required by law.
The web forms for online registration, online donations, to modify an email address, and suggestions for purchase are encrypted so that information is protected from a third party accessing it in transit. However, other forms such as email reference, online book reviews and meeting room inquiries, and all email messages sent over the Internet are not secure and may be read by a third party who intercepts the communication.
e) Personal information collected from the Libraryโs public Internet stations
Using our public Internet stations requires signing in with a Library card barcode number or a guest number. This process creates a log of barcode numbers. There is no additional personal information attached to the log. This information is collected in order to enforce our Rules for Acceptable Use of Public Internet and Computers (see Section 4 Rules and Regulations in the Library) and gather general statistical information about the service. This log is cleared daily. No search history is retained either in the log or on the individual station.
f) Wireless service
The Library provides wireless access to the Internet. Access is provided through a third party and is not connected to the Library network. Use of this service is at the userโs risk and is covered by the privacy policies of the network service provider.
g) Disclosure of personal information
Personal information is disclosed only in accordance with FOIPPA or as otherwise required by law.
Where other organizations require personal information in order to provide services on behalf of the Library, the Library ensures that these organizations treat the personal information in compliance with FOIPPA and the Libraryโs privacy policies.
Examples of where personal information may be disclosed include:
- when a person explicitly consents to the disclosure;
- to a collection agency for the purpose of collecting a debt;
- for law enforcement purposes, such as where required by a subpoena, warrant or other order, or to assist in an active investigation of a library security incident;
- where there are compelling health and safety concerns;
- to contact a personโs next of kin in the case of an emergency while that person is visiting the Library.
The Library does not sell or rent personal information.
h) Security of personal information
The Library uses reasonable security measures to protect against risks such as unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure or disposal. Security measures include physical, technological and operational safeguards that are appropriate to the nature and format of the personal information.
These security measures protect personal information once it reaches our server. The Libraryโs security cannot protect information while it is in transit over the Internet, unless the information is collected by one of our secure online web forms. Information sent to the Library in email messages is not secure.
The Library does not guarantee security and confidentiality of personal information sent through the Libraryโs public Internet wired and wireless networks, including e-commerce transactions.
i) Other sites
The Library strives to provide a wealth of resources from our website, including links to sites outside of the Library, such as encyclopaedias, reference databases, and private organizations.
The Library has no control over the management of these websites and is not responsible for their privacy policies. Online visitors are encouraged to review policies of other sites before using the service or providing any personal information.
The Library may have security cameras inside and/or outside buildings. Video footage is typically kept for seven (7) days. Video footage is not actively monitored and is only available to view by the Director of Library Services, Privacy Officer, or designate in response to security incidents that threaten the safety of people or property. Footage may be disclosed to law enforcement in response to a valid subpoena, warrant or court order; to assist in an investigation related to a security incident at the library; or where the Director of Library Services or designate determines that compelling circumstances exist that affect a personโs health or safety.
k) Retention of personal information
How long the Library keeps personal information depends on the purpose for which the information was collected.
If the Library uses personal information to make a decision that affects an individual, we must keep that information for at least one year so that the individual has an opportunity to access it. Otherwise, the Library will keep personal information only for the length of time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. Personal information is securely destroyed when it is no longer needed.
l) Accuracy of personal information
The Library will endeavour to ensure the personal information is as accurate, complete and up-to-date as necessary.
m) Accessing or correcting personal information
Individuals have a right to request access to personal information held by the Library. To do so, submit a written request to the Libraryโs FOI/Privacy Officer (see contact information below). The request should provide enough detail to enable a Library employee to find the personal information (e.g., personal information I provided when I applied for a Library card).
Individuals also have a right to request personal information be corrected if it is believed to be incorrect. To do so, submit a request in writing to the FOI/Privacy Officer (see contact information below).
n) Childrenโs personal information
Children have the same rights as adults with respect to their personal information under FOIPPA. In alignment with Section 76 of the BC Child, Family and Community Service Act, the Library considers 12 as the age at which children in care may exercise their own access, disclosure and correction rights.
o) Inability to exercise rights
In certain circumstances, individuals may not be capable of exercising rights to access, correct or consent to disclosure of personal information. Individuals are generally considered not capable of exercising these rights when they:
- Do not understand what personal information is;
- Cannot give instructions about their personal information.
In such circumstances, the Director or designate may permit parents or caregivers to exercise these rights on the individualโs behalf.
p) Changes to this Privacy Policy
The Libraryโs practices and policies are reviewed from time to time. This policy will be updated to reflect the changes.
q) Privacy Resources
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) and its Regulations can be accessed from the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissionerโs website [https://www.oipc.bc.ca/about/legislation/].
The website of the FOIPPA Policy and Procedures Manual is the authoritative source on FOIPPA and the guidelines and policies that govern the legislation https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/services-for-government/policies-procedures/foippa-manual
r) Contact information
Contact Information
For questions or concerns about this policy or how the Library treats personal information, contact our FOI/Privacy Officer:
Privacy Officer
West Vancouver Memorial Library
1950 Marine Drive
West Vancouver, BC V7V 1J8
Tel: 604-925-7424
Email: shall@westvanlibrary.ca
Persons who are not satisfied with how a complaint was handled by the Library have the right to complain to the Information and Privacy Commissioner:
Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia
PO Box 9038, Stn. Prov. Govt.
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9A4
Tel: 250-387-5629 (Victoria)
Toll free: Call Enquiry B.C. at 604-660-2421 (Vancouver) or 1-800-663-7367 (elsewhere in B.C.) and request a transfer to 250-387-5629.
Email: info@oipc.bc.ca
Website: http://oipc.bc.ca