New Books for Kids
New Books for Kids
Short, Fast + Awesome for Middle Grade
Short, Fast + Awesome for Middle Grade
ebooks & audiobooks: for check-out
Browse our collections of ebooks and audiobooks! Use your WVML card to check out titles and place holds.
Our largest collection of ebooks, downloadable audiobooks, and magazines. Search for, check out, and download titles through our catalogue or the OverDrive website. Using a tablet or phone? Get the Libby by OverDrive app, find West Vancouver Memorial Library, and enter your barcode/PIN to log in. For more information visit or call the Help Desk.
Access Information: Licensed for West Vancouver residents, students, and business owners only.
New to Libby (Library2Go)? View a tutorial.
ebooks & audiobooks: always available
No wait times or holds lists. All you need is your WVML card and an internet connection.
Listen and read along with some of your favourite picture books by the likes of Robert Munsch, Kate DiCamillo, Doreen Cronin and many more. Compatible with iPhone and iPad. The "Language Learning" section includes some books in Spanish and French.
Download the app: Android | iOS
Access Information: Licensed for West Vancouver residents, students, and business owners only.
other recommended resources
Access these resources with your WVML card.
Stream a quality collection of kids' movies, TV series and storytimes. There is also great math, science and language learning content.
New to Kanopy? View a tutorial.
Download the app: iOS | Android
Access Information: Licensed for West Vancouver residents, students, and business owners only.
Improve your grades and learn faster and smarter with Solaro. Specifically designed for grade 3 โ 12 students in BC, Solaro combines online tutorials in math, science and English with study guides, customizable flash cards and interactive practice questions. You can also track your progress as you go.
Access Information: Licensed for West Vancouver residents, students, and business owners only.