Ebooks & Audiobooks
Your WVML card is the key to reading what you like on your Kobo*, tablet, phone, laptop, or desktop computer. Check out and download ebooks and audiobooks from OverDrive (Library2Go/Libby App).
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Find answers to your Libby App, ereader, tablet and other questions here or by contacting us.
* The following Kobo models are compatible with OverDrive (Library2Go): Libra H2O, Forma, Aura ONE, Aura H2O Edition 2, Aura Edition 2, and Clara HD.

library databases
Access these resources using your WVML card.
A collection of French language ebooks and audiobooks from Canadian and international publishers. It includes popular genre fiction, bestsellers, non-fiction, and more. There are titles for adults, teens, and kids.
Une collection de livres numรฉriques et audionumรฉriques pour tous les รขges en langue franรงaise provenant de maisons dโรฉditions canadiennes et internationales. La collection comprend la fiction de genre populaire, les best-sellers, la non-fiction et plus encore.
West Vancouver Memorial Library recognizes the financial support of the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada through the Canada-British Columbia Agreement on French-language Services.
WVML reconnait le soutien financier de la province de la Colombie-Britannique et du gouvernement du Canada par le biais de lโEntente Canada-Colombie-Britannique relative aux services en francais.
Access Information: Licensed for West Vancouver residents, students, and business owners only.
Click here for tutorials on how to use Bibliothรจque numรฉrique (Cantook Station).
Download the app: iOS | Android
*User will be asked to provide an email address for notifications when checking out their first book.
Our largest collection of ebooks, downloadable audiobooks, and magazines. Search for, check out, and download titles through our catalogue or the OverDrive website. Using a tablet or phone? Get the Libby by OverDrive app, find West Vancouver Memorial Library, and enter your barcode/PIN to log in. For more information visit or call the Help Desk.
Access Information: Licensed for West Vancouver residents, students, and business owners only.
New to Libby (Library2Go)? View a tutorial.
free ebooks on the web
These curated resources are free and easily accessible on the web! All you need is an internet connection.
Download from this collection of over 20,000 free books.
Contains millions of books digitized as part of the Google Books Library Project. Books in the public domain are available for full view and can be downloaded. For in-print books, a selection of pages are viewable.