English Language Learning Programs
At WVML, we have a selection of events, resources, and materials for English language learners.
Popular Novels for English Language Learners
Popular Novels for English Language Learners
Conversational Fiction for English Language Learners
Conversational Fiction for English Language Learners
Book Club Selections for English Language Learners
Book Club Selections for English Language Learners
recommended resources
Access these resources using your WVML card.
A practice resource for IELTS. Track your progress on practice exams and use more than 100 hours of interactive activities including advice, hints, and tips on question types. You need an up-to-date version of one of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge. Please note: Road to IELTS does not work with Internet Explorer.
Access Information: Licensed for West Vancouver residents, students, and business owners only.
Lessons in over 70 languages (including English). Sign up for an account on our website, or download the Mango Languages app on your mobile device.
Access Information: Licensed for West Vancouver residents, students, and business owners only.
Click here for an online tutorial on how to use Mango Languages.